- Module Installation & Activation
- Create Society Wings
- Create Floors
- Create Flat Configurations
- Create Property Area
- Create Parking Lots
- Society Members Documents
- Import Members Data
- Create Member Ledger
- Maintenance Charges Setup
- Maintenance Bill Generation
Module Installation & Activation
Follow the steps below to load Housing Society Module in your TallyPrime and then either you can activate 15 days free trial or activate your lifetime validity license;
Put Housing Society Module TallyPrime.tcp file in your TallyPrime folder >> Open Tally Data >> Press F1: Help >> TDLs & Add-ons >> F4: Manage Local TDLs >> Select the tcp file as shown below
Now Press F6: Add-On Features to activate the module
Here you can either activate your 15 Days Free Trial or Enter your License Activation Key to activate your module license
Housing Society Module Menu
Once you activate the module, you will now find new menu as Housing Society Module on gateway of Tally
Create Society Wings
Under Wing/Building master you can add your society wings as shown in below snapshot;
Create Floors
Under Floor master you can add floors applicable in your society
Create Flat Configurations
Under Flat Configuration master you can create various property configurations applicable to your society like 1 BHK, 2 BHK, 3 BHK, Shops, Gala, etc
Create Property Area
Under Area master you can create various areas applicable to your society like 450 Sq. Ft, 650 Sq. Ft and so on as applicable in your society
Create Parking Lots
Under Parking master you can create various Parking lots available in your society premise to assign them to designated members
Society Members Documents
Here you can define document folder path where you can scan and store members important documents such as Share Cetificates, Agreement Copies, Nomination Documents, etc and then link them under respective memebers master;
Import Members Data
Import members data option is given to migrate all your existing society members data from other software to TallyPrime using our excel template.
Create Member Ledger
Here you can create/alter your individual members data.
We have tried covered all the possible members details like flat information, Family Members, Aadhar card, PAN card, Voter ID card details, Tenent Information, Parking Lots, Share Certificates, Nomination details and lot more as you can see in below snapshots
Tenant Information
In Occupancy option, if flat is rented to the tenant, you may enter complete information of the tenant;
Share Certificate Information
Here you can define Share Certificate details of the member;
Joint Members Infromation
Here you can define Joint Members details;
Nomination Information
Here you can define Nominee details;
Form I Information
Here you can define Form I details;
Maintenance Charges Setup
Here you can define Maintenance charges based on the flat/shop configuration types.
Maintenance charges defined here will be automatically applied to all the members of selected flat/shop configuration.
You can still modify Maintenance charges for individual memebrs in case of applicability of Occupancy Charges, Parking Charges which are not common for all memebrs.
Interest Rate Setup
Under Interest Setup menu you can define interest rates as applicable to your society on members outstanding maintenance.
You can revise the same with effective date, so from that date onwards new interest rates will be calculated
Now assign Interest charges ledger in Maintenance Setup of members and it will be auto calculated when bills are generated based on the outstanding payments by memebrs
Late Payment Charges Setup
Under Late Payment setup menu you can define late payment charges criteria applicable to your society like Per Day or Per Month or Per Quarter
Now assign Late Payment charges ledger in Maintenance Setup of members and it will be auto calculated when bills are generated based on the delayed payments by memebrs
Non Occupancy Charges
If any flat/shop is rented out then society adds Non-Occupancy charges on that flat/shop owners maintenance bill.
You can add Non-Occupancy charges ledger cases to case basis under members maintenance details as shown in below snapshot;
Maintenance Bill Generation
Once your master configurations are done, from Bill Generation option you can gnerate maintenance bills for all members at a click of a button;
Refer below sample society maintenance bill entry created in Tally;
Maintenance Bill Printing Format
Refer below sample Maintenance Bill print along with Receipt;
Bulk Maintenance Bill Printing
You can easily print maintenance bills of all the members with a click of a button from Housing Society Module > Printing > Bulk Bill Printing as shown in below snapshot;
You can generate following registers from your Tally;
You can generate Form I and Form J from your Tally data;
You can scheduled Outstanding reminders and send ledgers to all memebers via email;
- Module Installation & Activation
- Create Society Wings
- Create Floors
- Create Flat Configurations
- Create Property Area
- Create Parking Lots
- Society Members Documents
- Import Members Data
- Create Member Ledger
- Maintenance Charges Setup
- Maintenance Bill Generation