Works on Tally.ERP9 & TallyPrime
Clean & Verified Code
Refer below steps about how to Install and Use Housing Society Module in TallyPrime
Load Housing Society Module TallyPrime.tcp in your Tally and then activate 15 days free trial or lifetime validity license activation key to activate the module in your Tally data;
Press F6: Add-On Features to activate the module
Once you activate the module, you will find new menu Housing Society Module on gateway of Tally
From here you can create Wings/Building Nos applicable in your case;
From here you can create number of floors applicable in your case;
From here you can create Flat / Shop configurations applicable in your case;
From here you can create Sq. Ft areas applicable in your case;
From here you can create Parking Lots applicable in your case;
Here you can define document path where you can scan and store members important documents and then link them with memebers master;
From here you can define Interest Rate applicable in your case for delay and outstanding payments;
From here you can Create, Alter and Import Members masters;
Refer below snapshot of Member master creation in Tally. We have added all the possible options that is required to create and maintain housing society members master;
In Occupancy option, if flat is rented to the tenant, you may enter complete information of the tenant;
Here you can define Share Certificate details of the member;
Here you can define Joint Members details;
Here you can define Nominee details;
Here you can define Form I details;
Here you can setup Maintenance charges flat and shop configuration wise with applicable dates;
Maintenance charges setup here will be autimatically applied to all the members of respective configuration types, so you no need to define it manually for each memeners.
You can still modify maintenance charges of a particular member to add Parking charges, Non-occupancy charges, etc which are not common for rest of the members;
Once your master configurations are done, from Bill Generation option you can gnerate maintenance bills for all members at a click of a button;
Refer below sample maintenance bill entry created in Tally;
Refer below sample Maintenance Bill print along with Receipt;
You can email or print all maintenance bills at a click of a button
You can generate following registers from your Tally;
You can generate Form I and Form J from your Tally data;
You can scheduled Outstanding reminders and send ledgers to all memebers via email;