Audit trail in accounts helps organization to identify the trail / activity log of each and every vouchers recorded in the system with the information like entered by, altered by, date & time of voucher entered and altered, change log of vouchers, etc
To activate audit trail in Tally, please follow the simple steps explained below for TallyPrime and Tally.ERP9;
- Open company and click on K: Company in top menu bar and Go to option Security
- Enable option ” Control User Access to Company Data ” and set User Name and Password
- Once you enable the security feature and admin user, you will be allowed to add users and it’s roles. Click on K: Company > Go to Users and Passwords and add users as shown in below snapshot;
- Now to enable Audit Trail features, you may download and activate our Tally add-on from here
- Once you configure the audit trail add-on, you will start getting user wise Activity Log / Audit Trail for each and every vouchers under below options
- Go to Activity Log report to view the complete trail of voucher created by and altered by with date and time details and more as shown in below snapshots;