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8 Simple Steps to Print Digitally Signed Invoice from Tally

Digital Signature on Tally Invoice

Generating digitally signed invoice is the growing need of every small and medium enterprises in India.

Tally Accounting Software is a primary choice of every small and medium enterprises in India which helps to generate a complete Invoice according to the Indian compliance’s but unfortunately it doesn’t generated the digitally signed invoice from Tally.

So to facilitate this missing feature, you can use our Digital Signature on Tally Invoice TDL add-on which helps you to generate digitally signed invoices from Tally in 8 simple steps explained below;

  1. Download and configure Digital Signature on Tally Invoice TDL in TallyPrime from F1: Help > TDLs & Add-ons > F4: Manage Local TDLs > Set this TDL file path
  2. Activate TDL from F6: Add-on features
  3. On Gateway of Tally > Alter > Voucher Type > Sales > Set Use Digital Signature while Printing to YES and configure the options displayed in the form
  4. Record a Sales Voucher in normal way
  5. Plug USB based Digital Signature in your system
  6. Open Sales voucher to be printed and click on button DSC INVOICE to export Invoice in PDF format
  7. System will prompt you to enter your DSC PIN
  8. Your digital signature embedded Invoice is generated successfully and ready to print or share

You can adjust the digital signature printing alignment from the configuration.

For any further assistance, write to us on info@tdlstore.in

Get your digital signature TDL copy from here

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